Huntingdon County, for me, was a place of endless stories. I was fascinated with the people upon whom our history is built.
After I finished my public schooling, I studied with my father and my uncle to learn surveying and civil engineering. As I progressed, some described me as one of the best in my field. I truly loved this place and its people and I worked hard to make the area the best it could be. I represented the area as a clerk in the state senate and was heavily involved in many civic organizations.
Writing and history converged as the culmination of my life’s work and I dutifully researched and recorded details concerning the region’s founding fathers and their families, including information that local historians and geneaolgists still depend on. My book, “History of Huntingdon and Blair Counties,” remains the gold standard as the “who’s who” of Huntingdon County.
My children and grandchildren and descendants to this day continue my passion for history and remain involved in the region’s civil clubs. They continue my legacy of love for both the place and the people.